
Bike ride by the Obac



A circular route. We will go out from the village of Rellinars going in the direction to the springs of the Carlets and the Saiola to go under the pass of Pals. We will continue to Casanova de L’obac, an old wine masia of three floors and Italianized style, currently an arts and environment interpretation centre. On the way to the caves of les Foradades we will enjoy magnificent views of Sant Llorenç del Munt and the Serra de l’Obac.

After visiting these unique caves, we will descend towards the springs of the Truncó and of l’Alba, and once crossed the ravine of Gaia, we will find Can Guitard house, from where we will take the track that will take us to the Caus. The return to Rellinars will be done by the Vendranes surrounding the hill of the Planeres.



Les Foradades, one of the most interesting caves in the Park. They have a total length of about 25 meters and different cracks visible from the path.

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